Dot by dot vs full
Dot by dot vs full

  1. #Dot by dot vs full for free
  2. #Dot by dot vs full full
  3. #Dot by dot vs full registration

"//" tells the web browser to determine the fully qualified web URL/URI at runtime and concatenate the right http protocol onto the front of your path as so. /folder/folder/file.html this is a form of a fully qualified web URL resolution format. That is why this syntax is redundant in HTML and web technologies. Again, this is a relic of Unix operating systems that need path resolutions like this to run executables and resolve paths for security reasons. Even though it is used by software to identify a current folder location, because it is identical to the current software path or file location, it is the same as no path so redundant. Because it resolves the same as no path to the current file directory its not used. also resolves to the current directory and is atypical in Web but supported as a path in some open source frameworks. That is why you don't see this used in Web Development much except by open source, non-Windows frameworks like Google Angular which was written by people stuck on open source platforms. is a shorthand for the current location or file context and is used in Linux and Unix to execute a compiled program in the current directory. The web browser also resolves most file paths to this address or an IP version of it. Some call this a fully qualified web path, which has some uses.

dot by dot vs full

It still works but is very limiting because the web domain is hard-coded into the path. is another web path which works exactly the same as the ones above, but requires your web domain in the path. Note: This path has the added advantage in that it works from any file and folder location on the server. subrootfolder/file.html is a web path that starts from the web root of your website and goes down from the web root into "subrootfolder" as an absolute path. This is a type of relative path in the web world.Ĭhildfolder/file.html is another kind of web path that starts from the folder you are in and goes down to "childfolder" and "file.html" inside it. siblingfolder/file.html is a web path that starts from the folder you are in, goes up one parent folder (./), goes down into a new folder called "siblingfolder" and to "file.html" inside it. as a web path when working directly with either CSS, HTML, or Web paths online! I explain why and what it is below.

#Dot by dot vs full for free

Regarding countries where no ‘Green Dot’ schemes or co-operation partnership exists, that means mainly outside Europe, PRO Europe and its members have decided to offer a Royalty Free Licensing Agreement for free world-wide use of the Green Dot trademark.Do NOT use.

dot by dot vs full

DSD has transferred a general license for the trademark for Europe to PRO Europe in 1995, to ensure that the obliged industry could use a uniform financing symbol on their packaging in all European countries.

#Dot by dot vs full registration

Besides the application, registration and defending of a trademark it is necessary to prove the legal use of a trademark. Through registrations, the Green Dot has obtained and defended trademark rights in approximately 170 countries all over the world.

dot by dot vs full

The trademark has been registered by its owner, the first ‘Green Dot’ scheme “Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland GmbH” (DSD) since 1990.

#Dot by dot vs full full

See full list of members and contact details You sell to several countries? In this case, you are obliged to conclude separate trademark contracts with the national ‘Green Dot’ organisations. For concluding a contract, you have to apply directly to the national recovery organisation in the country you distribute your packed products.

Dot by dot vs full